
A familiar scene. A late night tea after Matthias & Eliot are tucked in bed. ⠀

I am inspired, excited, and enjoying our days so much. My cup is overflowing. ⠀

Another one to love. A home that is ours. A business I enjoy. Days that are dictated not by anyone or anything else. I would’ve assumed as a child that meant not doing anything, just playing... an endless vacation. But gosh, that isn’t fulfilling at all. Pouring myself into work brings me to life. I feel alive. ⠀

I am feeling the joy and reaping the rewards of hard work and consistency. July, August, and September are going to be huge months in our YL business and I am ready for all of it. ⠀

Spent my afternoon with Kate, Kristin, & her girls. And my evening with Ethan, Hannah Joy, and Ollie. A perfectly perfect mundane day with the nitty gritty & dreaming & motherhood & a from scratch dinner. ⠀

PS. Reading The Unprejudiced Palate right now and IT IS GOOD.
