Beau's Birthday

Sweet Matthias, even at nearly midnight he’ll indulge me for 2 minutes to grab our photo of the day. 216 days of these. Our consistency with this project may be the thing I’m proud of the most right now. ⠀
18 years ago Beau was born. Today I didn’t get to celebrate at birthday breakfast. I didn’t get to even see him on his actual 18th birthday— but we did have a pretty awesome party yesterday. His birthday is a bittersweet reminder of how fast the years go. The first time I remember using a camera was taking pictures of Beau. As he grew up I realized he was the sibling most like me. It’s like God forgot he already gave the Bonin’s WAY too much. But actually... no. It wasn’t ever enough. Beau is a perfect piece. The exact person we needed RIGHT in the middle of all of us. 2 boys & 3 girls before him. 2 boys & 3 girls after him.⠀

Beau is the cream cheese icing in between layers in the cake. (You know, the part everyone ignores the cake to get to cuz it’s so good.) He may be a 8 years younger than me, but he’s a best friend for life.

Watch Beau’s sweet corona surprise birthday & graduation party here.
