December break!

“Two sleeps away” (😆) from a month off— like all the way, actually off. Off work, off social media. Present in a different way I need as we approach having Emerson join our family in February. And this is our first Christmas with Eliot; I’m excited to be totally *here* to experience the magic of the holidays alongside my firstborn.


Happy Minis

A Saturday of mini sessions today... and it actually made me happy. 🥺 I didn’t know if I’d ever feel happy again behind the camera for work.
I stopped shooting professionally because of major burnout. Tired of traveling, weekends away from Matthias, and the stress of the wedding industry just constantly buzzing in my head. I honestly don’t ever see myself shooting weddings again, and I don’t plan on shooting full time - but maybe I’ll open up a couple days a year for mini sessions because this brought me joy 💘

Entering the third trimester tomorrow! This is where it starts to feel real.


an easy day

Kristin & her little gals came over for an easy day of conversation, snacking, and playing in the grass. Didn’t feel like a Thursday at all. 🙂 I’m grateful to do life with likeminded friends & bonus: being in the same business means we never run out of things to do & dream about together 😂

our grand

We own a grand piano. Is this a dream?? It was delivered today! It survived! I would be lying if I said I wasn’t stressed about that move.... We hired professionals, but it was a tighttt squeeze down a winding staircase. It has lived on the second floor in a room the shape of Texas its whole life (since 1982)! But now it’s here. A grand piano in our apartment. And it sounds as beautiful as it looks. 


Matthias moved to these twenty-three acres when he was just a toddler. Now we own two of them and spend a lot of weekends here prepping our land for the house we’re going to build.
I hope I never forget the magic of Saturday mornings. The magic for Eliot: so much of the world to explore. The magic for me: rediscovering the wonder of little things alongside my boy.

55 days til 2021

I wish by saying that I’m re-visiting Man’s Search for Meaning and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that I could just hand over to you all of the emotions, truths, the beauty to be found in both books. But there aren’t shortcuts to doing your own reading...Well, audible exists. That’s a sort of shortcut.
I hope if you are trying to fill the last 55 days of 2020 with good things, that you reach for either of these books.

the seasons

“Stuff” doesn’t make happiness. Lots of people live very unhappy lives full of stuff. But you know something I’ve noticed? People who plan for and decorate around the seasons tend to be happy people. I haven’t met very many grumps who are intentional with making their homes beautiful, inviting spaces that celebrate life and it’s seasons. (I know there are exceptions, it’s a big world.)

I want to be a mom who pulls out special baskets full of books ushering in the springtime, summer...

A wife that makes her husbands favorite fall and winter dishes that remind him of his childhood home.

A neighbor that makes the world a little brighter with Christmas lights on the porch and a wreath on the door.

There will always be people who scoff at those pulling out Christmas trees and nativity scenes in November, but I guarantee... the early holiday celebrators are too busy feeling happy & nostalgic to care. 😉

And on that note, our bedroom got a little Christmas makeover today and we’re all pretty happy about it :)