November 18th, 2019

Two more weeks of Bradley Method classes after tonight, but I think this is our last evening staying in a hotel for it. We move into our new place Friday & it’s a whole lot closer which will make the drive home after much more reasonable. I was thinking we’d do a photo to highlight the hotel room, but 1) I’m burnt out on hotels and 2) I saw mom’s Instagram post with dad and obviously recreating their pose was way more important than anything else we could’ve planned 😂 I have the cutest parents ever & my mom’s “marriage Monday” on Instagram is ADORABLEEE. Go follow her if you aren’t already (🤣❤️🥰 PS. HOW CUTE IS THIS BLANKET? Someone at Matthias’ work embroidered it for us and I don’t even know her. How do you properly show gratefulness to a stranger that has given such a meaningful gift?? 😭
