journal entry 12.21.2014

I found a letter I wrote in 2014 to “2014 Madeleine”

other than cringing at the fact I used to use “darling” so often, I loved finding this piece from nearly 6+ years ago.

December 21st, 2014 

there is no need to be unhappy, darling. 

you will find peace when you adjust your expectations. 

you will never be perfect. you will tell lies to yourself 

and even to others at times

repent. and you will find forgiveness. 

you can’t impress God. please stop. 

people see as clearly through your facade as you do. 

stop saying never. stop making commitments you cannot keep. 

say yes to others less often 

so you can say yes to building your future more faithfully. 

staying up late is awesome, but don’t write off 10-11pm bedtimes entirely. 

there is much peace to be found in quiet, dark mornings. 

get a cup of coffee. stretch. don’t dare touch your phone or laptop. grab a book. or don’t. grab a journal. pray. drink. close your eyes. for us on your breathing. 

what is it to be alive? what’s the point of today? ask questions. find WONDER. 

what are you grateful for? tell God. write it down. 

make a plan. give it to God. tell him you surrender it. 

make your car your sacred place. live in this moment. where is your heart? where is your mind? stop trying. surrender. 

it’s okay to be late to church. I’m glad you’re even going. it’s a start. 
