Bianca & Kyle | Madera Estates

Gilmore | Springtime Wedding at Madera Estates | April 30th, 2017 

Bianca & Kyle love Jesus. Love, LOVE, Jesus. Their day was centered around deep-rooted desire to honor him in their marriage & the miracle that is becoming one. 

If you know me, you know I cry when I shoot weddings. It always happens. But not like during Bianca & Kyle's ceremony. The worship, the hand-written vows, their humble hearts... ahh! The Holy Spirit was there in their midst, gathered with their family & friends present to celebrate alongside them. I am so honored to have been a part of their day.

Enjoy the preview from your wedding day, Mr. & Mrs. Gilmore and ENJOY YOUR HONEYMOON!

PS - When you see Kyle's ridiculous, adorable, hilarious face as he gawks at the cakes in the pictures below, know that it was because Bianca had SURPRISED him with the cakes. They had chosen not to get any, but obviously, Bianca did for him anyway. You can tell they were both pretty happy about it. ;-)

See their full gallery HERE.